Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Little Disconcerting...

I drive under this Capitol Drive bridge overpass almost every day on my way to work. If you look closely at the image below, you'll see a large crack with missing pieces of cement that are outlined in neon red paint. My guess is that it is on the county road crew's docket for repair, but it's been like this for months. I can't even imagine what other near-disasters are causing such a delay of the repair. It's getting to the point where I say a little "Hail Mary" while driving under it, and I'm not even Catholic! ;-)


Lowell said...

If Wisconsin is like Florida, the poohbahs running the state have given so many tax breaks to the rich and powerful there's no money left for repairs of infrastructure, schools, roads, etc.

EverydayMe said...

will be praying for you too... such a nasty crack....
{{hugs}} Michelle