There are painted park benches all around the beach area of Pewaukee Lake. This one is in front of one of the shops across the street. Even in the winter, a sunny day can make it a nice place to take a break and watch the world go by - although you may have to brush off some snow first.
This frozen pot of artificial flowers sat neglected at the side of an old building downtown. A reminder of summer past and the summer that is yet to come. Note the remnants of snow inside the container? Only 4 (!) more months until May 31, the official date when you can finally plant annuals outside in this part of Wisconsin without fear of frost. Yep... it's a LONG, cold winter in Pewaukee :-)
On downtown's Wisconsin Avenue, just across from the lake, is "Farber's" - an old-fashioned, storefront barber shop. Note the prices: Buzz Cut $5. Haircuts $10. While fancy salons are folding all around us, this little place is still open for business!
The beach may be closed (obviously!) until next summer -- but that didn't stop this guy (see bottom photo) from racing his four-wheeler over the frozen surface of Pewaukee Lake.
This cute little cafe is located in an old Victorian-style house near the "downtown" area of the village of Pewaukee. Great coffee and live music some evenings. A nice alternative to the ubiquitous Starbucks. Sadly, due to the economy - like so many other places - it was recently forced to close.
Even in sub-zero temperatures, this section of the river doesn't freeze because it's near the mouth of it's major source, Pewaukee Lake. The constant flow of the current prevents icing over.
Our off-days have been so cold lately (below zero!) that we have not been able to remove the remaining Christmas decorations. These forlorn snowflakes still dangle on our Japanese Maple. Maybe next weekend...
This view of our patio is typical of how the long, cold winter is progressing in Pewaukee. Snow, cold, and more snow and cold! -- Although it does make for some beautiful surroundings.